Preserving the Relationship Between Mythical Creatures and Humanity
The DMW Creaturepedia
This area of the site has been designated as an index for information related to mythical creatures featured in the case files involving Sam London.
As special permissions are still being gathered by the DMW for these disclosures, the following represents an abbreviated list of creatures associated with the case known as "Guardians of the Gryphon's Claw." (Click the images for a closer look!)

Origin: Philippines
Known Abilities: Shape-shifting
Favorite Food: Human children
Comments: These things make vampires seem like sweet, cuddly puppies.

Origin: Ireland
Known Abilities: Emitting paralyzing scream (also known as “keening”)
Favorite Food: Tea with lemon and honey
Comments: Don’t forget your banshee blockers!

Origin: American Northwest
Known Abilities: Super strength, heightened senses
Favorite Food: S’mores
Comments: They will smell you coming a mile away.

Origin: Central and South Americas, Puerto Rico
Known Abilities: Night vision, enhanced olfactory sense
Favorite Food: Blood (preferably human)
Comments: Worst. Breath. Ever.

Origin: Southern Asia
Known Abilities: Enhanced senses
Favorite Foods: Peanut butter, biscuits
Comments: The Chihuahua types are tough hombres.

Origin: France
Known Abilities: Flight, transmutation
Favorite Food: Rock lobster
Comments: Stone-hearted, literally and figuratively
Origin: Scotland
Known Abilities: Unrelenting stamina
Favorite Food: Wayward travelers
Comments: Check your ego and call for backup. They cannot be outrun.

Origin: Japan
Known Abilities: Shape-shifting
Favorite Foods: Nuts and berries
Comments: Excessively affectionate, but loyal

Origin: Scandinavia
Known Abilities: Enhanced strength
Favorite Food: Whatever a friend is eating.
Comments: Share a cookie with one and you’ll have a friend for life.

Origin: Himalayas
Known Abilities: Super strength, heightened senses
Favorite Food: Yak
Comments: Big and angry. That about sums them up.
*Illustrations by Kevin Keele