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Articles for Parents and Teachers

Now Available!

Case #1 & 2 in the Sam London Adventure series

Guardians of the Gryphon's Claw

The DMW doesn't only cater to kids...We're also here for the adults! Below you'll find articles created especially for parents and teachers. We've got book lists, DIY crafts, and more! 

Teenagers in Library
Kids Reading Outdoor
Little Girl with Christmas Present

Robot dragons, mythical trivia, mer-tails, and more! The Department of Mythical Wildlife has unwrapped its official list of great gift ideas for kids who love mythical creatures.

The ultimate list of 9 great books for 5th graders, as assembled by the book-loving staff at the Department of Mythical Wildlife. Here comes a whole new crew of brave-hearted heroes sure to inspire your children to keep turning those pages!

Image by Anthony Tran

The DMW has compiled a list of mythical creature costume ideas to help bring your mythical creature spirit animal to life. Prepare to delight or terrify your neighbors! Some assembly required...

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