Preserving the Relationship Between Mythical Creatures and Humanity
FREE Multi-Day Lesson Plans
Each plan features excerpts from “Guardians of the Gryphon’s Claw," the acclaimed new series that School Library Journal says is "...Sure to keep lovers of Rick Riordan running to the shelves."
Includes exclusive video and audio clips from the author, along with supporting materials!
Turnkey plans that can be enhanced with a visit from North Carolina author, Todd Calgi Gallicano!
DETAILS: Teaching with the Sam London adventure series is easy with our teacher-authored lesson plans. Check out our 1-day, 3-day, and 5-day lesson plans below designed for grades 4-6 – all FREE with sign-up! Lesson plans include additional materials, including worksheets, graphics, audio clips, and videos.
This 5-Day lesson plan is comprised of a 3-day and 2-day plan. The first three days covers the genre of realistic fantasy and helps students to identify key elements of realistic fantasy storytelling. The next two days discusses the work of Joseph Campbell as it relates to modern storytelling. Students will learn how the hero's journey can be seen throughout time in mythology, literature, movies, and our own lives. Includes supporting materials, along with video and audio clips from the author.
This 1-Day lesson plan focuses on the mood and tone in a literary context, using excerpts from "Guardians of the Gryphon's Claw."
Schedule an Author Visit!
Enhance the "Guardians of the Gryphon's Claw" lesson plan with a visit by author Todd Calgi Gallicano! We recommend grades 4 and up for his presentation, which lasts about 45 minutes, not including a question and answer session (it can be shortened if necessary).
The author presents a discussion on Joseph Campbell and the hero myth as it relates to modern storytelling. Using contemporary movies, Mr. Gallicano steps students through the various stages of the journey, examining how these stages can be seen throughout time in mythology and our own lives. This provides an understanding of the deep connections that exist between different cultures and how all great stories tap into the universal human experience. Skype/Video call visits also possible, contact us for more information.

School Visit Testimonials
"CSD was very excited to welcome guest speaker and author, Todd Calgi Gallicano to speak to grades 4-7 about 'mythical heroes.' The presentation was fantastic, and the students learned so much! Thank you, Mr. Gallicano!"
– Community School of Davidson, Davidson, NC
“…the students were all very engaged throughout his presentation. He chose characters and story bits that were popular with the group to help explain the 'stages of a hero's journey.'"
– 5th grade teacher, Markham Elementary, Portland, OR
"Our Pine Lake 4-7th graders thoroughly enjoyed Todd Gallicano's presentation which was captivating, entertaining and educational! Students were 'buzzing' about his fun movie clips and the connections they made with his 'hero's journey' talk for the rest of the day!"
– 7th grade teacher, Pine Lake Prep, Mooresville, NC
"Our fifth grade students couldn't stop talking about today's presentation. Todd was able to explain the hero's journey in film and literature in a way that captivated our fifth graders. They are now excited to start analyzing the plots of their favorite fantasy novel to see how the stories correlate."
– 5th grade teacher, JV Washam Elementary, Cornelius, NC
"Mr. Gallicano's presentation to our sixth and seventh graders was awesome. The students made deep connections through his use of media and the hero's journey structure. Best of all, it worked perfectly into the sixth grade curriculum in ELA and Social Studies!"
– Language & Literature teacher, Mt. Mourne School, Mooresville, NC
"Mr. Gallicano’s presentation was engaging, fun and informational. Students and teachers alike enjoyed hearing the journey of a hero through characters from popular movies and books...Mr. Gallicano is an amazing speaker."
– Dean of Students 5th and 6th grade, Cannon School, Concord, NC
“We loved having Mr. Gallicano speak to our 4th through 7th grades! His presentation on the hero myth was fun and educational. The students were engaged and participating in the discussion, and they came away with a new understanding of stories and how they work.”
– Mothers Auxiliary Enrichment Committee, Iona Preparatory School, New Rochelle, NY
"Mr. Gallicano's visit was a wonderful experience for our 7th Graders! He introduced the Heroes Journey to students and teachers and many are excited to bring it into their classrooms."
– Principal, Dwyer Middle School, Huntington Beach, CA

What the Critics are Saying...
"A fun-filled start to a series that is sure to keep lovers of Rick Riordan running to the shelves." – School Library Journal
"A death-defying, globe-spanning adventure, packed with creatures out of folklore and myth....[Guardians of the Gryphon's Claw is] a solid series opener and debut for Gallicano, who stocks his story with engaging characters, human, and otherwise." – Publishers Weekly

“I felt like I was 12 years old again reading the Percy Jackson series...[Guardians of the Gryphon's Claw] is a fun-filled fantasy adventure..." – The Oregonian
"The American Harry Potter. Really. [Guardians of the Gryphon’s Claw] is a literary experience, extremely well written, witty and engrossing.” – Martin Olson, bestselling author and five-time Emmy nominated writer of "Phineas & Ferb."
To see book trailers, read the latest news, and learn more about the Sam London adventure series, please visit the Department of Mythical Wildlife website or Facebook page!